Physical education in Hanover County enables students to acquire the knowledge, processes, and skills they need to engage in meaningful physical activity, both presently and as they develop. Our physical education instruction encourages individual enjoyment, physical challenge, personal satisfaction, and health-enhancing fitness.
At Beaverdam, students receive physical education with a resource teacher once a week for 45 minutes. Physical education promotes mental, physical, social, and emotional growth through a wide variety of activities that develop motor skills and efficiency of movement. Our program encourages student interest and participation in physical leisure activities and team and individual sports that help develop the importance, value, and enjoyment of being a physically active person.
Gym Rules and Expectations
- Students may not participate in PE without proper footwear (i.e. athletic shoes).
- Some extra shoes are available for borrowing.
- Students wearing skirts/dresses may change into shorts for PE.
- The gym floor is not for sliding.
- We expect students to use PE equipment correctly.
- Be respectful.
- Follow directions.
- Try—don’t give up.
- Have fun!
PE Curriculum
Kindergarten–Second Grade
- Body and Spatial Awareness: self-awareness, directional terms, levels, and pathways
- Non-Locomotor Movements: bending, stretching, twisting, pushing, pulling, swinging, balancing, and landing
- Locomotor Movements: walking, running, leaping, hopping, skipping, sliding, galloping, and jumping
- Manipulative Skills: rolling, throwing, catching, striking, dribbling, trapping, and kicking
- Fleeing and Dodging
- Dance
- Fitness/Components of Fitness
- Cooperative Games
- Nutrition
- Bones and Muscles of the Body
- Team Sports: basketball, soccer, floor hockey, softball, football, and volleyball
Third–Fifth Grade
- Fitness and Fitness Testing
- Locomotor, Non-Locomotor, and Manipulative Skills Review
- Throwing and Catching Review
- Team Sports: basketball, soccer, floor hockey, softball, football, and volleyball
- Jump Roping
- Dance
- Cooperative Games
- Goal Setting
- Nutrition
- Bones and Muscles of the Body